six stories one calling


the daniels

We aren’t particularly special. But we are called. God will use anyone no matter their past, skills, failings, abilities, qualifications or lack thereof! God doesn’t need you or us to be enough. He already is.

A decade ago Joe was a salesman and Cassia was a teacher. Neither of those paths seemed to be leading to the plan God had for us, but that’s how our God works! His ways are so much higher than our ways! It doesn’t make sense, and we aren’t the obvious choice, but we hope that encourages you to know that you don’t have to prove or wonder if you can do what God has placed in your heart. You just have to show up for it.

So what has God placed on your heart? Is it to work in your local church? Help your community? Or maybe he’s asked you to walk away from everything you’ve known and embark on a big, new adventure! Whatever it is we want to hear about it! We know He can do it if you’ll just say yes, and we want to cheer you on. We are on your team! And we want you to be on our team. Together we can see that no one is forgotten


joe’s story

When God called me to ministry I had no idea that would mean eight years working as a salesman in a hardware store. But for eight years that’s exactly what I did. That didn’t mean that I had to wait until that season was over to start “doing ministry.” I found every available place to serve and didn’t care what it was. You need a youth volunteer? I’ll do it! You need someone to drive the church van? I’m your guy! You need someone to clean up after the event? I’m in! And eventually, God showed me that not only had he called me to preach, but he had called me to “Go!” I didn’t know how that would work or where to even begin, but I knew God was leading me. And that’s how I went from a local church volunteer to a Missionary Associate in Ireland.

My wife and I had expectations of never coming home from Europe except to visit, but God had other plans. He brought us back to the tiny town of Altha, Florida, population 536, to serve yet again, as volunteers, and to yet again, work at the hardware store. And those were some of the best experiences of our ministry. We reached out to a community as poor as anything we had seen in undeveloped countries. Houses without electricity or running water. Picking up kids out of tents set up near the river. It was amazing to see God move in those situations. Eventually though, God moved on us to work part time in a church in Kinard, Florida where we saw the impact one church can have on an entire community. Then finally, over a decade after God had first called me to ministry, and after eight years of selling hardware, God released us to work in a church full time in Valparaiso, Florida. We are so thankful for the time we spent in each place and we know that all of it was preparation for what He wants to do in this next season of ministry! No moment was wasted. Every footstep was ordered.

Sometimes we think that God will call us and then we will suddenly be doing big things, generally in front of lots of people. But most of the time, that just isn’t the case. Most of the time there’s a lot of waiting, a lot of little tasks, and sometimes a lot of pain. And that’s where he teaches us faithfulness. I call myself a minister, but will I minister in my everyday life? Will I minister to those that don’t want to hear the gospel yet? Will I do the small things he asked me to do with excellence? It’s taken time, but today, no matter where he is leading, I can wholeheartedly say, “Here I am Lord, send me.”


cassia’s story

A very few years ago I was sitting in my parents kitchen and told my mother that I didn’t know what God had called me to do, but I knew I wasn’t called to be a pastor’s wife or a missionary. Isn’t God’s will funny like that? I didn’t say those things out of rebellion, but I just knew I could never live up to those kind of callings. About a year later, in a time of searching for His will, God spoke to me and told me to “Go!” All of a sudden, everything made sense. I didn’t have to be good enough to serve Him, that was never going to happen! I just had to be willing. I began to go on as many short term trips as I could, and I gave to missionaries whenever I couldn’t go. God was truly showing me how to be obedient and how to trust in the call, even in the waiting.

A couple years after that, I met a missionary going to Ireland who asked me to go with him. I said yes, and our two callings became one. After one term as Missionary Associates in Ireland we returned to the states to serve in church ministry, but in my heart I knew we weren’t finished with missions.

And here we are. It’s been nine years of working with students, leading worship, and serving wherever we found ourselves. Nine years of learning to wait on His timing, to trust He is directing our path, and to move when He says to go. God has taught us so many things in our time stateside, and transformed us from a team of two to a team of six! And the best part is…our story is still just beginning.

He doesn’t just call the parents. He calls the family.

meet the daniels kids



Lydia is our tiny girl with the big personality. She spends most of her time playing dress up and singing like a Disney princess.


Josiah is the baby of the family. He LOVES animals, real or stuffed, and can usually be found following his big brother and sisters around.


Lillyanne is a sparkles, unicorns and rainbows kind of girl who knows what she wants! She likes to make plans and get the whole family involved in making them happen!


Jakin is the oldest Daniels kid. He is our official expert in all things Star Wars, superheroes and dinosaurs. He spends most of his free time climbing trees and throwing a baseball.

fun facts about the daniels



Joe likes to play golf and disc golf in his free time. Let him know if you want to play a round!



All six of us are currently learning Dutch. Joe and Cassia are using Duolingo, Jakin and Lillyanne are watching kid-friendly, educational videos and Josiah and Lydia are watching Dutch cartoons!


We will initially live in Curaçao as we minister in the Dutch Caribbean, but plan to work in all eight islands and countries!



The Daniels are Braves fans! Coincidently, several Braves players are from Curaçao and Aruba.


Our perfect vacation would be a trip to the Appalachian Mountains to see the leaves change in the fall.



We enjoy using the enneagram for personal growth and in ministry. Joe is a 7 and Cassia is a 3.


Joe and Cassia celebrated their 12th wedding anniversary in May of 2023.



Cassia has a love ~bordering on obsession~ of coffee! She’d love to meet you for a coffee date!